Stellar evolution worksheet pdf

Units of chapter 12 leaving the main sequence evolution of a sunlike star the death of a lowmass star evolution of stars more massive than the sun supernova explosions observing stellar evolution in star clusters the cycle of stellar evolution. As gravity governs its expansion, organizational patterns, and the movement of celestial bodies, nuclear forces within stars govern its evolution through the processes of stellar. The milky way galaxy contains several hundred billion stars of various ages, sizes and masses. Students explore the basic phases of stellar evolution on and beyond the main sequence, and learn to utilize a hertzsprungrussell colormagnitude diagram to understand the relationship between fundamental parameters for stars such as mass, luminosity, temperature, and age. In particular, we will focus on discussing how such processes are related to key characteristics seen in the hrd. These materials were developed at harvard university by the wwt ambassadors program. Choose from 500 different sets of stellar evolution flashcards on quizlet. Formation the space between stars contains gas and dust at a very low density. The following article describes the evolution of typical stars. Hence it is much more useful to rewrite the equations in. We observe stellar radii to change by orders of magnitude during stellar evolution, whereas mass appears to remain constant.

Worldwide telescope ambassadors program life cycle of a. Various uses for the formulae and future improvements are discussed in section 8 along with details of how to obtain the formulae in convenient subroutine form. Star clusters stars in a star cluster all have approximately the same age. Stellar evolution lesson plan for 7th 8th grade lesson. In this space science lesson, students explain and summarize their results. Dynamical time scale measure of the time scale on which a star would expand or contract if the balance between pressure gradients and gravity was suddenly disrupted same as freefall time scale.

Pagel, nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of galaxies, 1997, cambridge university press, isbn 0 521 55958 8. The table shows the lifetimes of stars as a function of their masses. Stellar evolution part 1 with the understanding of the basic physical processes in stars, we now proceed to study their evolution. This is a comprehensive lesson which includes a great ppt lesson infused with videos look or hyperlinks and images which will keep your students highly engaged and assist them in understanding stellar evolution. Origin of the chemical elements 4 system after long enough evolution will reach thermal equilibrium, characterized by a homogeneous structureless distribution of its energy. Science olympiad astronomy webinar science olympiad is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of k12 science education, increasing interest in science for all students. Displaying all worksheets related to stellar evolution. In general, the story of stellar evolution is the ongoing struggle of stars to generate internal energy in order to. But you must type in all calculations and your answers and submit it as a word document, or it will not run through the originality checking software.

Stellar evolution astronomers study stars in much the same way stars come in many varieties, and change over times much longer than a human lifetime with some spectacular exceptions. This is a selfsimilar velocity law like the hubble law for the expansion. This is a cloud of dust and gas that can last for millions of years. Stars span an enormous range of luminosity, temperature, and size, and these parameters. The flash version is a selfguided tutorial that students can access that is based on the stellar evolution. Stellar evolution is the series of phases that a star. The hertzsprungrussell diagram is actually a graph that illustrates the relationship that exists between the average surface temperature of stars and their absolute magnitude, which is how bright they would appear to be if they were all the same distance away. Chandra educational materials classroomready activities. Nearly 14 billion years after the big bang one observes the presence of complicated hierarchical structures on all scales. Star in a box allows you to explore one of the most enigmatic tools in astronomy the hertzsprungrussell diagram when you first open the box you start with a star with the same mass as the sun but you can change this to a different mass at any time. Worldwide telescope is a free program developed by microsoft research. More massive stars evolve more quickly than less massive ones. Star birth and life imagine an enormous cloud of gas and dust many lightyears across.

Galaxy formation and evolution 5 will be discussed, both the greater prominence of spheroids and the more rapid star formation in the denser environments probably result from the greater importance of galaxy interactions at early times in these regions. Comprehensiveanalyticformulae forstellarevolutionas a. As you read, complete it to show how the sun evolves. Theory of stellar evolution first integral of the equations of motion yields 5. Well defer the sections about explosions and close binaries until later after this, well spend the next few weeks building up the physical ideas needed to integrate the equations of stellar structure. If the star is not too massive, a planetary nebula ejects most of the mass of the star and leaves behind a dense, hot core a white dwarf. View homework help worksheet stellar evolution concept map week 9. Astronomy c10 discussion section stellar evolution concept map. This stellar evolution lesson plan is suitable for 7th 8th grade. Stellar evolution lab the life cycle of a star worksheet.

Objects in the universeour universe has been expanding and evolving for. Pagels book referred to as pagelhereafter covers all the topics in these notes, although it puts more emphasis on galactic chemical evolution and somewhat less on the stellar nucleosynthesis processes than we do. Stellar evolution the evolution of a star from its birth to its life on the main sequence, then to its life as a red supergiant, and finally to its death. Stellar evolution depends on the initial mass of the star depends on stellar initial abundances of elements nuclear fusion radiativethermal pressure vs gravitation lowmass sunlike stars vs and highmass and intermediatemass stars lowmass stars. Stellar evolution worksheet worksheet fun and printable. Nebulas rarely start to clump together on their own often they require an outside force to nudge them into coalescing. Why are astronomers not able to observe the entire life of any star. List the following stages of stellar evolution in order for a certain star that has a mass of 80% of the sun. Earth science is related to the field of science called earth science. Overview of stellar evolution in general, the story of stellar evolution is the ongoing. These were destined to become earth and the other planets of our solar system.

We study stellar properties, and use our knowledge of physics to construct. Stars stellar evolution overview we will go through the qualitative aspects of stellar evolution, following ch. Young scholars create a diagram of stellar evolution. If you put all the stars of a star cluster on a hr diagram, the most massive stars upper left will be missing. Learn stellar evolution with free interactive flashcards. In addition, there are worksheets for an in class assignment and one for hw, as well. Depending on the mass of the star, its lifetime can range from a few million years for the most massive to trillions of years for the least massive, which is considerably longer than the age of the universe. In this course you will be studying the different processes, relationships, mechanisms, and concepts that help us interpret our planet earth. This is a powerpoint lesson which guides the students through the specification points on stellar evolution. Maximum masses of mainsequence stars a more massive clouds fragment into smaller pieces during star formation b very massive stars.

Many stars, at this early stage of their evolution, split into two or three parts. Expand the chart to show the evolution of lowmass and highmass stars. Worksheets are activity stellar evolution scavenger hunt, chapter 12 stellar evolution, activity guide for classroom educators, stellar evolution lab, stellar evolution in the sky, skills work directed reading, teacher guide stellar evolution our cosmic connection, lecture 7 basics of star formation and stellar. Please also delete any extra content, such as hints, etc. Here you will find all we have for stellar evolution worksheet.

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